You Helped A Lot
Jul 04, 2023As I have mentioned if you are going through a difficut time like divorce, job loss, or significant health challenge you need help. No matter how independent you are others can make the transition easier. Many of you have done that for me!
Today I will update you on my journey and based on my experience offer ideas to those of you who want to help yourself, friends, and loved ones. I am excited to say I am at the end of treatments which is so uplifting.
This last month had been a challenge with an overnight hospital stay and two platelet transfusions. I had taken the month off of everything and I had an angel take care of me for three weeks. My sister who is a nurse traveled across country to get me "stabilized" as she put it. Thank heaven for her. Some pople have a much easier time with the treatments. My body just did its best!
I still deal with the frustration of being weaker than I would like, needing lots of naps, and eating enough to gain weight. This will come. I am just so ready to be strong and living life fully. I had taken the month of June off from everything and didn't even look at my computer for days at a time! I am so glad I did this.
Next I get a full body scan and another tumor marker test which I expect to be positive. I am meeting with clients now and look forward to having a full schedule again!
During my challening time, I had so many people help me and offer to do anything to help. It is often hard to think of what you need other than prayers. As I reflect now I realize what one can use to help in transiton. I hope what I learned may assist you in helping someone who is going through a difficult situation:
Be there and don't forget them. I have told you about the stacks of cards, prayers, visits, texts, and emails I have received. Something came weekly during the almost 8 months of this journey.
This meant so much. I knew heaven was being bombarded with prayers, positive energy was flowing towards me. This helps so much. Many people sent weekly cards, flowers, gift boxes, daily funny texts, and fun jokes. This truly lifts ones spirits. I knew many people wanted me to heal. I felt the power.
Food is the best gift. As I said so many wonderful people asked me if they could do anything and I know they were sincere. Prayers were easy to ask for but it was too hard for me to say "Just bring some food." Some people knew and early on I received many gift cards that were so appreciated and some wonderful people dropped off food.
Although I lost my appetite during this process and lost 34 pounds, I still needed to eat. My husband does not cook. He did much for me but cooking was not one of them and fast food was awful so we did our best. Some days I could cook and made lots when I did. One of the most appreciated gifts was a delicious fruit box of yummy pears and apples. I can still taste the juicy sweetness.
If you know someone who is struggling with divorce, job loss, or health struggles consider making a little extra at dinner and bring to them. I sure will do so now that I know this from experience. I will check what they can eat and make or have someting delivered. I never would have thought how important this is.
Visits are valuable. I offer this thought cautiously as there were many days I was not up to seeing anyone. When I was up to it and had a visit, I was so energized. Usually I had to sleep after they left but it was so worth it.
I was so surprised by the kind people who took time out of their schedules. My sister gave three weeks of her life. Some people I hadn't seen in years asked to visit. People from churches came for prayer and communion.
You never know how many people your life touches. I am so blessed that I found out how many wonderful people are in the world.
This journey has opened my eyes. We all have regrets about what we have done or wished we did different. Yet you and I have touched many lives by our presence alone.
These thoughts are intended to assist those with challenges and those of you who want to support them. I can't say how grateful I am to many of you. Share with others if you think it will help. And if anyone wants to send a few pounds my way I will take them.
Once I hear my wonderful news in a month from now I will share. I do believe I have learned what I needed to from this cancer diagnosis and am free of it now. I am ready to see any clients who have been waiting to reach out. It is a blessing to help others. So call if you want to connect.
Blessings to all until next time, Sheran
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